Message from Joint Director
Due to the increasing spread of technology and internet, the whole world has turned into a global village. Being the country with the largest youth population and a rapidly growing country in the world, today India needs innovations in every field. Along with making India an innovative nation, there is a need to advance its unique traditional knowledge base. Now efforts are being made on a large scale to realize the power of India's talented youth, the hidden talent in children and their creativity. Innovation is not just doing something new, but doing any work in a new way is also innovation.
With over 65% of youth in the working age group, India enjoys an emerging demographic dividend unlike any other country in the world. However, this advantage can be fully reaped only when the youth are equipped with the right kind of necessary skills to meet the demand of modern, cutting-edge jobs. Hence, a focus on innovation, education and nurturing talent will be crucial in making India the skill capital of the world. Vocational education has also been given due importance in the National Education Policy-2020. By integrating vocational education with academic education, the policy gets rid of the rigid separation between subjects, and encourages students to choose from various vocational courses to acquire specialised skills. This emphasis has received a renewed boost through the NEP’s provisions to reinvigorate the research environment in HLM and promote industry-academia links. HLM already provides a better skill based education to promote innovation..
So Let's join hand together in HLM…
Best Wishes,
Dr. Shashank Kr. Dwivedi
Joint Director
HLM Group of Institutions