BA-LLB -Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Legislative Law


Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Legislative Law
Affiliation: Affiliated to CCS University
Duration: 5 Years Full Time Program
Approval: Bar Council of India (BCI)

Program Overview

Professional degree courses that equip the students with knowledge and skill of every branch of law and making them articulate, accurate and meticulous in plaint-drafting and sharp in court-arguments.

Professional degree courses that equip the students with knowledge and skill of every branch of law and making them articulate, accurate and meticulous in plaint-drafting and sharp in court-arguments.


Program Highlights

Course Outline

  • Semester 1 & 2
  • Semester 3 & 4
  • Semester 5 & 6
  • Semester 7 & 8
  • Semester 9 & 10
Semester I

General English – I; Sociology – I; Political Science – I (Political Theory); Economics – I; Indian History – I (Ancient and Modern Indian History)

Semester II

General English II (English Language and Legal Writing); Sociology II; Political Science II (Economics Problems and Politics in India); Law of Torts and Consumer Protection

Semester III

General English III (Communication Skills); Optional Paper: Hindi I or Law and Media I; Political Science III (Public Administration); Contract I (General Principles of Contract), Indian Legal and Constitutional History

Semester IV

General English IV; Optional Paper: Hindi II or Law and Media II; Political Science IV (Indian Government and Politics); Indian History II (Modern Indian History); Law of Human Rights

Semester V

Law of Crimes (Indian Penal Code); Family Law-I (Hindu Law); Constitutional Law of India-I (Nature of the Constitution and Fundamental Rights); Contract II (Specific Contract and Law of Partnership); Jurisprudence I (Legal Theory)

Semester VI

Environmental Law; Family Law II (Muslim Law); Constitutional Law of India II (Structure and Working of the Indian Constitution); Public International Law; Jurisprudence II (Legal Concept)

Semester VII

Labour and Industrial Law; Company Law; Interpretation of Statutes; Optional Papers: Insurance Law and Accident Claim or Criminology and Penology; Professional Ethics, Accountancy of Lawyer and Bar Bench Relation (Practical Training)

Professional Ethics, Accountancy of Lawyer and Bar Bench Relation (Practical Training) is taught in association with the practicing Lawyers/Retired Judges/Retired Law Teachers. The students are given assignment by the respective teacher. In this paper the students are required to record the answer to all the assignment by preparing a project file.

Semester VIII

Administrative Law; Law of Property and Easement; Optional papers: Intellectual property Law or Law Relating to Woman and Child; Banking law including Negotiable Instrument Act; Arbitration, Conciliation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (Practical Training)

The Arbitration, Conciliation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (Practical Training) is taught partially through lecture method including some relevant exercise and partially through additional programme like Lok-Adalat, etc.

Semester IX

Code of Criminal Procedure; Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act; Law of Evidence; Consumer Protection Law and Competition Act; Drafting of Pleading and Conveyancing (Practical Training) The Drafting of Pleading and Conveyancing (Practical Training) is divided into two parts, one is Theory and other is Practical including Viva-voce. The Theory paper is taught with the assistance of Practicing Lawyers/Retired Judges etc. In this part the students learn about various skills by various exercises as given by the respective instructors in the class. The Practical part include written exercises in Drafting of Pleading also written exercises in Conveyancing. Here the students are required to maintain a Sessional Exercise Book to record all the exercise in Pleading and Conveyancing during regular classes. The record is assessed by the Board of Practical/Viva-voce Examiners.

Semester X

Land Laws (U.P. Revenue Code, 2006); Law of taxation; Optional papers: Indian Judicial System or Law of Trust, Equity and Fiduciary Relation; Optional Papers: Law Relating to Right to Information or Information Technology and Cyber Laws; Moot Court, Pre-Trial Preparations and Participation in Trial proceedings (Practical Training) In the Moot Court each students are instructed to at least two Moot Courts in a Semester. The Moot Court work is assigned problem which is being evaluated by the respective persons selected by the institution.

Eligibility Criteria

Minimum qualification is 10+2 level examination (U.P. / C.B.S.E. and I.C.S.E Board) with 45% marks (relaxation of 5% i.e.40% marks for SC/ST candidates) Admission shall be made as per University and or stateGovernment rules.

The application form and prospectus for the B.A-LL.B (05 years) can be obtained from the office of Admission on payment of nominal amount in cash or demand draft drawn in favour of "HLM Law College"

The selection of candidate will be done on the basis of eligibility norms of CCS University, Meerut & BAR Council of India (8C), Delhi

Fee Structure

The fee structure shall be applicable as per the norms of Government of Uttar Pradesh (U.P.) / Chaudhary Charan Singh University (CCS) Meerut.

Career Pathway

Litigation Attorney
Corporate Counselor
Legal Advisor
Legal Welfare Officer
Corporate Law Practitioner
Cyber Lawyer
Corporate Lawyer
Company Secretary
Civil Services
Judicial Services
Civil Lawyer
Criminal Lawyer
Legal Analyst
Academics and Research
Legal Publishing and Media
Human Rights Officer
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